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Lesson Five
 Forehand Push

The forehand push is a stroke that should be introduced to players after they have mastered both the backhand push and forehand drive. However, it is crucial to understand that executing this stroke correctly requires advanced techniques, as improper execution can render it vulnerable to counterattacks. Therefore, I advise against using it in games unless you are confident in your ability to execute it effectively.

In contemporary play, the forehand push is typically employed when the ball is positioned over the table, half-long, or close to the net. When facing a short ball or a short serve, it's essential to strike the ball before it reaches its peak bounce.

The return should be directed to the forehand side of the opponent, delivered short or half-long in a manner that prevents easy attacking opportunities.

Additionally, the return ball should have minimal height and slight backspin.

To execute this stroke effectively, position your right foot closer to the table and the ball, with your weight shifted onto your right leg. The bat motion should be from upward to downward, with the bat angle slightly open if the incoming ball carries backspin. Lean your upper body forward over the table to engage in the stroke fully.

After executing the stroke, quickly return to the ready position to prepare for the next shot.
If unable to execute a short return, employ a fast bat action forward to send the ball swiftly and low to the end corners of the opponent's side.

Practice of this stroke should include scenarios involving short serves and counterattacks after your opponent returns the ball to you. If the return is also short, continue playing short returns across the table until you receive a high ball to attack.
It is advisable to avoid returning the forehand push to the backhand side of the opponent's table, as modern players are proficient in employing backhand topspin over the table.

However, if executed with speed, low trajectory, and directed to the end of the opponent's backhand corner, this stroke can be effective.
Until next time, Play Right
